Finding Distinction in A Competitive Market

The Brief
Distrigo, the global parts distribution for Stellantis Group, wished to distinguish itself in a competitive industry and fight back against the lack of distinction that had come to define the vehicle part distribution market. Distrigo tasked April Six to help it stand out against this sea of sameness; creating a unique campaign to help build brand distinction.
The Challenge
As a relative newcomer to the UK sector, Distrigo lacked brand awareness among its potential customer base—the market dominated by more well-established players such as Euro Car Parts. To compound the challenge, these larger players could offer unmatched one-hour delivery slots and unmissable discounts, so to find a point of differentiation for the brand—and help it stand out from the crowd—we would need to find a different battleground to compete.

Our Insight
In search of distinction, we began by analyzing the current market. Our research found it awash with repetitive straplines like any make, any model, any part and car parts for all models, doing little to elevate one vendor above any other. We used this insight as a starting point to craft a message of why Distrigo was different.
The Strategy
Stellantis Group is an organization with 100+ years of incredible heritage building household-named brands such as Vauxhall, Peugeot, and Citroën. The April Six team saw this as an opportunity to position Distrigo—a subsidiary—as an organization that better understood, and cared more deeply about, quality of service than any rival competitor.

The Creative
From this strategic foundation, we built the campaign “The Art of Parts” a creative treatment that elevated simple vehicle parts to be sculptural works of art. By framing these components, or by putting them on plinths, we conveyed a simple message: a Distrigo part is a masterpiece of engineering, forged with care and consideration.
The Results
By defining and differentiating Distrigo as a distribution network that truly cared about the quality of the parts it delivered, we were able to kickstart a movement of support for the brand that continues to this day.
increase in web traffic
uplift in organic search
growth in social followers